That the Club shall be called Young Munster Rugby Football Club.
hat the colours of the Club shall be black and amber jersey, black shorts and black stockings with amber tips, and Members shall play in complete Club colours.
That the officers of the Club shall consist of president, Vice-President, Hon. Treasurer, Hon. Secretary, Assistant Hon. Secretary, Assistant Hon. Treasurer, Fixtures Secretary and the Junior Vice-President, who shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting.
That the Committee shall consist of the Officers of the Club as defined by Rule 3. Eight other members of the Club who are also elected at the Annual General Meeting, the captains of the 1st and 2nd XV together with the outgoing officers referred to in Rule 7; and the three Trustees defined by Rule 26. Absence from three consecutive meetings of the Club Committee without reasonable excuse will debar a member to the Committee from acting on the Committee or any Sub-Committee. The Committee shall have the power to remove any person from any office or position he holds in the Club if he is not performing his duties or discharging his responsibilities to the satisfaction of the Committees.
That the business and affairs of the Club, except the making of the Rules shall be trans-acted by the Committee.
That the Committee shall have power to fill up any vacancy which may arise in their own number by co-opting the Member who has secured the next highest number of votes at the last Annual General Meeting, provided such Member is willing to act in any Sub-Committee during their year of office. The Committee shall have the power to co-opt not more than three additional Members as they deem necessary for the better administration of the Club, one of whom may be appointed by the Committee a Press Relations Officer.
That the outgoing President, Hon. Secretary, Hon. Treasurer, shall be ex-officio Members of the Committee for the following season
That the Committee shall meet once a week during the football season and at other times as occasion may require. Seven to form a quorum.
That the 1st XV of the Club shall be selected by a Sub- Committee who shall be nominated by the Club Committee.
That the 2nd and 3rd XV’s of the Club shall be selected by a Sub- Committee who shall be nominated by the Club Committee.
That the under-20 and all other under age group XV’s of the Club shall be selected by a Sub- Committee who shall be nominated by the Club Committee.
(I) That in order to become a Member of the Club a person must be proposed and seconded by two Full Members of the Club in writing on the form prescribed by the Committee from time to time. Such proposal form shall be delivered to the Secretary who shall display same on a notice board in the Club Pavilion in accordance with Rule 31.
(II) The Committee shall be entitled to decide not to accept nomination papers at any time after the 1st January following the last General Meeting.
(III) Upon receiving a nomination for Membership the Committee shall vote and decide if the Nominee shall be elected a Member. If the votes cast in favour of the Nominee is equal to or exceeds the number of votes cast against him multiplied by three he shall be declared elected a Member of the Club.
(IV) A Member when first elected shall fulfil a year probation and upon expiry of the first year of Membership the Committee in its absolute discretion (without being required to give any reasons) may decide not to renew the membership.
(V) A nominee shall only become a Member on payment of his subscription. Any nominee who shall fail to pay any subscription becoming due on his election will cease automatically to be entitled to Membership.
That the Annual Subscription shall be fixed by the Annual General Meeting in each year.
That the Annual Subscription shall be due in advance on the 1st day of September in each year. A Full Member whose subscription remains unpaid on the 31st of March in the current season shall not be entitled to:
(a) Vote at a General Meeting.
(b) Be eligible to go forward for a position on any Committee of the Club.
(c) Propose or support a Full member for any position in the Club. Such Full Member will, however, be entitled to pay his subscription up to and including the 31st day of August in the same year, but if unpaid on that date his membership ceases.
Should a member conduct himself in such a way that in the opinion of the Committee is derogatory to the Club, the Committee may call for an explanation and if they think fit, remove such Member from membership without obligation to refund his subscription.
Any Member wishing to play for another Club must first get the sanction of the Committee.
That any member wishing to resign, must send a written notice to that effect to the Hon. Secretary before the 1st of October or he will be liable for the current year’s subscription.
That a preliminary General Meeting of the Club be held not later than the 31st of May in each year to take nominations for officers and members of Committees for the ensuing year. Ballot papers showing nominations for the various offices and committees shall be posted to all paid-up Full Members prior to the Annual General Meeting. That the Annual General Meeting shall be held not later than the 8th September, to elect the officers and other members of the committees for the ensuing year as defined by Rules 3 and 4, sub-committees as defined by Rules 9, 10, 11 and to receive reports and statement of account from the Committee.
That a Special General Meeting be called upon the signed requisition of not less than 20 Full Members of the Club, specifying the reason for calling such a Special General Meeting which requisition shall be forwarded to the Hon. Secretary of the Club, and that such Special General Meeting shall be held within four weeks of receipt by the Hon. Secretary of requisition calling such meeting, and that 14 days notice must be given to all Full Members of the business to be brought forward at such Special General Meeting, and that no business other than that stated on the agenda to be transacted at such Special General Meeting.
(a) The Secretary shall before the holding of the Preliminary Meeting notify the Full Members by public advertisement in the local press giving 21 days notice of the meeting.
(b) Any motion for change of the Rules of the Club must be delivered to the Secretary in writing, seven days before the holding of the Preliminary Meeting. All notices of motion received by the Secretary seven days prior to the holding of the preliminary meeting shall be discussed at the meeting and shall be included in the ballot paper for the A.G.M.
(c) No notion or amendment providing for the amendment or alteration of the Club Rules will be valid unless passed by at least two-thirds of the votes cast by the ballot paper in respect of the motion or amendment. In the event of a motion being similarly carried then the motion with the greater number of votes cast in its favour shall have precedence over the other.
Clubs’ representative on the Munster Branch must be a member of the Club Committee and the Clubs’ Representative on the Munster V must be a member of the senior selection Committee.
That these rules be printed and a copy of them supplied to each member by the Hon. Secretary immediately on payment of his initial subscription to the Club, and that members are bound hereby.
That no resolution in Committee, not being a selection Committee, previously adopted to or agreed to by the Committee shall be altered or rescinded, unless 14 days notice have been given by a member of the Committee to rescind or alter such resolution.
That all motions, by way of addition, rescission or alteration or by way of substitution shall become immediately operative, when passed by the Annual General Meeting.
That the Statements of Accounts (Club and Bar) must be audited by a firm of Public Auditors before submission to the Annual General Meeting
That these property of the Club be vested in the names of the Trustees, who shall be appointed at the Annual General Meeting and shall be subject to the Rules of the Club. Each Trustee shall hold office for life or until he resigns or ceases to be a member of the Club. Any vacancy shall be filled at the Annual General Meeting. No personal liability shall attach to any Trustee or Trustees except to the extent of such property of the Club as shall actually be received by him or by them.
A visitor shall not be supplied with excisable liquor in the Club premises unless on the invitation and in the company of a member, and such member shall upon the admission of such visitor to the Club premises; or immediately on his being supplied with liquor, enter his own name and the name and address of the visitor in a book which shall show the date of such visit. No excisable liquor shall be sold or supplied to any person under eighteen years of age and no excisable liquor shall under any circumstances whatsoever be sold or supplied for consumption outside the premises of the Club.
No member of the Committee or governing body of the Club, and no Manager or servant employed in the Club, shall have any personal interest in the sale of excisable liquor therein nor in the profits arising from such sale.
Subject to the exceptions specified in Section 56(2) and (3) of the intoxicating Liquor Act, 1927 (as substituted by Section 7 of the Intoxicating Liquor Act, 2000) NO EXCISABLE LIQUOR shall be supplied for consumption on the Club premises to any person (other than a member of the Club lodging in the Club prem-ises) or be consumed on these premises by any person (other than such a member). (A) At any time on Christmas Day or Good Friday or; (B) On any other day, outside the hours specified in respect of that day in Section 2 (1) (b) of the Intoxicating Liquor Act, 1927 (as substituted by Section 7 of the Intoxicating Liquor Act 2000).
Nothing contained in these Rules shall operate to prohibit the supplying for consumption on the Club premises of excisable liquor on those premises by any person. (A) On Christmas Day between 12 midday and 10 p.m. or; (B) On any other day for one hour after the expiration of any period in respect of that day during which it is lawful for the Club by virtue of Section 56(1)(b) of The Intoxicating Liquor Act, 1927, as substituted by Section 7 of The Intoxicating Liquor Act, 2000, to supply excisable liquor for consumption on the Club premises. If in each case the excisable liquor is:
(1) ordered by or on behalf of that person at the same time as a substantial meal is so ordered, and
(2) consumed by that person during the meal or after the meal has ended.
That the names and addresses of person proposed as full members of the Club shall be displayed in a conspicuous place in the Club premises for at least two weeks before their election.
That no excisable liquor shall be sold or supplied in the Club premises to any person under the age of eighteen years of age.
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